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Explanation Why

The FRIDAY RAVE Blog was launched in response to the Albanese Labor governments attack on free speech through the draft Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023.


I wont be silent to the evil threatening Australia and the welfare of future generations.


Socialists like Prime Minister Albanese and social media globalist Marxist companies such as Face Book will not silence me. 


To combat being censored I have at personal cost set up this blog which includes the previous 49 Friday Raves that have been posted on Facebook.


I WILL NOT, now or in the future be changing the FRIDAY RAVE so that there is a subscription cost. It was never set up to be a money making venture and never will be.



Without obligation, if you have a small amount you can consider donating to help support the running costs of the Blog that would be appreciated.

BSB 062692 

Account Number 79676674

Thank you in advance for your donation which supports the speaking up against evil


Andrew Stewart


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