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Andrew Stewart
Jan 33 min read
Friday Rave 74 - STOP the suicidal path our nation is taking over climate change
With their vote, people power in 2025 can stop the suicidal path to destruction of our nation and save the lives of millions in the future.
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Andrew Stewart
Jun 22, 20242 min read
FRIDAY POST - Are you deceived into thinking you can be a Christian Marxist or a nice little Marxist?
Karl Marx was a Satanist. If he wasn't what would you call someone responsible for well over 100 million deaths and still accumulating?
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Andrew Stewart
Feb 29, 20247 min read
Friday Rave-62 She lost her life at age 21. You don't have to risk your life to stand up - Yet
What will you tell your children of what you did to stand against evil, when it threatened Australia and the welfare of future generations?
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Andrew Stewart
Sep 23, 20222 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 3 – The War on the West
Why is it acceptable around the world for the flaws and crimes of Western Culture to be discussed, but not other cultures?
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