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Andrew Stewart
2 days ago1 min read
FRIDAY POST ~ What a difference a strong conservative leader makes. I wish Australia had one.
Whether you like or dislike President Trump, one thing America has that Australia doesn’t, is a leader who cares for babies and children.
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Andrew Stewart
Jan 244 min read
Friday Rave 75 - Stop Woke Corporations Undermining Our Nation
Say NO to Globalist woke corporations threatening our democracy and freedom, using progressive social issues for prestige, power and money.
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Andrew Stewart
Dec 20, 20245 min read
Friday Rave 73 - Stop insulting me with a welcome to my own country!
It is time Australia was further cleansed of wokism by ridding itself of the insulting and divisive 'Welcome to Country'.
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Andrew Stewart
Oct 10, 20243 min read
Friday Rave 72 Listen As You Increase Your Step Count - Dr Ben Carson
With the US election approaching I will Kick off "Listen As You Increase Your Step Count" with a superb interview of Dr Ben Carson.
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Andrew Stewart
Jul 19, 20247 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 70 - Part 1/2 Should Australians be concerned as Muslims gather to become a political force?
Political Islam is now raising its evil head in Australia with two Muslim political groups advocating for a Muslim political party.
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Andrew Stewart
May 30, 20243 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 68 - The Tide Can Turn if you have the courage to stand up and be counted
There are good people speaking up and fighting back against the sinister, woke Marxist agenda.
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Andrew Stewart
Mar 7, 20245 min read
Friday Post - The Real Stolen Generation - Give us back our kids
This article highlights how the Marxists have marched through the education system, hijacked it, and stolen the minds of many innocent child
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Andrew Stewart
Feb 29, 20247 min read
Friday Rave-62 She lost her life at age 21. You don't have to risk your life to stand up - Yet
What will you tell your children of what you did to stand against evil, when it threatened Australia and the welfare of future generations?
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Andrew Stewart
Feb 22, 20242 min read
Friday Post - A politician worth listening to - Senator Alex Antic
A politician worth listening to - Senator Alex Antic . Break the spiral of silence and speak up
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Andrew Stewart
Jan 24, 20243 min read
Friday Rave - 61 (26 January 2024) Australia Day is a day to unite and must never be allowed to be used as something to divide.
Marxists look for things to let us be outraged about, and history is one of them. Now it is Australia Day, and next it will be ANZAC Day ...
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Andrew Stewart
Dec 1, 20236 min read
Friday Rave 59 - Why I speak up
I have four beautiful children I want to protect from the impending danger, looming for some years and now threatening our country.
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Andrew Stewart
Nov 16, 20233 min read
Friday Rave 57 - “Played strong, done good” - Celebrate Victory with further Action.
“Played strong, done good” could also be the motto to describe a recent victory for those who make the time to speak up.
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Andrew Stewart
Nov 9, 20235 min read
Friday Rave 56 - PROTECT YOUR FAMILY - Break the Spiral of Silence
We must break the spiral of silence, speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15), and not be afraid to offend.
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Andrew Stewart
Oct 19, 20233 min read
Friday Rave 53 - It is becoming clear who the Labor Albanese government serves.
Evidence the Albanese government Voice referendum was never about improving the lives and outcomes of the Indigenous people.
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Andrew Stewart
Oct 13, 20235 min read
Friday Rave - 52 Good to come despite the Marxist agenda to divide
Despite the irresponsible divisive actions of Albanese, Sunday, 15 October 2023, must be a day when ALL Australians unite as ONE.
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Andrew Stewart
Sep 15, 20237 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 48 - The indigenous people are not to be played as pawns for political change
Exposing the Communist agenda behind the Voice and the Marxist Architects
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Andrew Stewart
Sep 1, 20233 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 46 - Name Calling To Silence Dissenting Voices
“Thank you for acknowledging you have lost the debate by lowering yourself to name calling, which is the white flag of defeat.”
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Andrew Stewart
Jul 21, 20234 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 42 - Never think that you can't make a difference
Good people must speak up and fight evil, as evil can't be appeased.
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Andrew Stewart
Jun 16, 20233 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 37 - Speak Up Against Madness, Don’t Affirm It With Your Silence
They are coming for the children; we must speak up against such evil and protect them.
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Andrew Stewart
May 26, 20233 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 34 - Marxist Woke Destroying Aussie Spirit
Wasn't it great days when the footy was about footy, and we didn't have to listen to the Marxist Woke ..... agenda of the NRL, AFL, and ARU
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