The Australia Labor Party (ALP), since the 1970’s Whitlam government, and to a lesser extent the Coalition, have divided our nation, setting the stage for future internal conflict by implementing reckless, destructive and divisive policies, including policies on multiculturalism and immigration. These policies serve the interests of their globalist Marxist elite masters (UN/WHO/WEF alliance) and not the people of Australia.
The ALP and the Coalition have implemented multiculturalism and immigration policies precluding the preference of migrants most likely to assimilate into the broader Australian Western Culture. Migrants who will support the Judeo-Christian values our nation was founded on. As a result, we now have in Australia a growing body of migrants with the potential to undermine our existing culture as they advocate for their totalitarian ideology, now and in the decades ahead.
Australian governments have been, at best, thoughtless and irresponsible in aiding and abetting the rise of Political Islam in Australia, a religious political ideology that is not compatible with Western democracy. Political Islam is now raising its evil head to be seen with two Muslim political groups, ‘The Muslim Vote’ and ‘Muslim Votes Matter’, advocating the formation of a Muslim political party in Australia.
Political Islam is not talking about Muslims that we may interact with in our daily lives (i.e. that nice Muslim down the road that you know who you buy your kebab from or who eats a beef pie (not pork) with you at your children's weekend footy or cricket games or who discreetly stops at work to pray to Allah five times a day.
Political Islam is an evil political system protected/hidden behind the religion Muslims follow. “Its growth includes the use of force, and in the end, its total goal is the complete annihilation of all other civilisations except
Islam”. Dr Bill Warner
The problem with Islam is not bad people but bad political ideology, which perpetuates the evil actions of some followers. Evil actions by Muslims increase in number against non-muslims as the evil political ideology grows in a country. It must be noted that mosques can play a role in the perpetration of political Islam (i.e., the 2015 Parramatta Curtis Cheng terror killing)
The following videos by noted scholar of Islam, Dr. Bill Warner, provide evidence supporting the contents of this important Friday Rave and additional learning material about Islam.
Many Australians have been deceived by the Orwellian Doublespeak that Islam is a "religion of peace” from Western politicians, the globalist Marxist mainstream media and other apologists of Islam. Anyone who understands Islam knows that with over one hundred violent verses in the Quran against non-believers, it is not a peaceful political/religious ideology.
To see just how peaceful the ‘religion of peace’ or should we say ‘religion of pieces’ is, please check out the Religion Of Peace website, which records the number of Jihad attacks and deaths from political Islam. As of 18 July 2024, there have been 45593 deadly Islamic Terrorist attacks since 9/11 - 11 September 2001.
“Islam is not just another religion like Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism. The Quran, one of Islam's three holy books, is 60% Political and only 40% Religion. Over half of the Trilogy of Islam (Koran, Hadith and Sira) is devoted to the Kafir”. Dr Bill Warner
SHARIA - If this word doesn't concern you, you know very little about the truth of Islam.
The following is quoted from the work of Dr Bill Warner: Five Truths About Sharia.
“Islam is a complete way of life, a total civilization, not just a religion. It is also a culture and a political system of Sharia laws which establish its supremacy. There is no aspect of personal and public life that is not included in the Sharia.
Not just Muslims but all people must submit to the Sharia. The very name, Islam, means to submit, submit to Mohammed and the Koran in all things: religious, political and cultural”.
The Sharia is a process of applying the Sunna of Mohammed and the Koran to everyday needs. It is a method of enforcing every human to live a life just like Mohammed, down to the smallest detail”.
The Sharia is anti-woman because it includes wife-beating, polygamy, and sex slaves. Mohammed was involved in all of these.
The punishments of Mohammed included the brutality of assassinations, executions, torture and enslavement”.
Learn more about Sharia and what it will mean for generations in the future if permitted in Australia, due to political Islam
Back to the Irresponsible or Traitorous actions of the Australian governments
Through such damaging, irresponsible multiculturalism and immigration policies our nation has adopted since the 1970’s you have to wonder whether our politicians have deliberately set out to wreck the joint or whether it’s just that they are bloody hopeless.
Unfortunately, the evidence points to the former. Recent government action at both State and Federal levels during the COVID years, combined with the suicidal push to net zero, driven by the climate change catastrophe hoax/scam, shows that our politicians serve the globalist elite of the UN/WHO/WEF alliance…. and certainly not the best interests of Australia.
Open borders and multiculturalism stem from the globalist think tank the 1968’ Club of Rome’ from which came United Nations Agenda 21 and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
You don't have to be Einstein to see that global Marxist multiculturalism and immigration policies are causing division and chaos in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and other European countries. It is all about bringing down Western Countries with the long-range, overarching aim of bringing about Marxist political change.
Islam is identified as a minority oppressed group, and this assertion is used for political change. For so long, right under our noses, it has been used strategically by left-wing Identity politics to create division and chaos throughout the West. While Christianity is constantly under attack by globalist Marxist governments, Islam is allowed to flourish and as it grows in strength in the West, so does the chaos that escalates almost automatically.
Commenting about the Brussels Islamic attack on 16 October 2023, French President Emmanuel Macron on 17 October 2023, said
“We saw it again yesterday in Brussels. All European states are vulnerable, and there is indeed a resurgence of Islamist terrorism."
Attributed to Albert Einstein are the words “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Why should Australia expect a different result from what we have witnessed in European nations as a result of excessive Islamic immigration?
With the creeping rise of Islam in Australia as a powerful force over the past decade, are your alarm bells sounding?
Does what will happen inevitably over the next decade concern you if this creep is left unabated - as well as being supported by current multiculturalism and immigration policies?
These policies have given rise to Muslims influencing Australia’s foreign policy - in all probability including both foreign and domestic policy - with the future rise of Islamic political parties.
The Marxist identity politics of the left-wing ALP is coming back to bite it on the backside as Labor opened our immigration doors very wide, garnering the extra votes, yet now, seeing the party accused of not doing enough for Muslims. Of the 29 Federal seats in parliament with a five per cent or greater Islamic vote, 27 are held by Labor. Muslims are now an increasingly influential political force in Australia. Evidence would suggest that because of Labor's heavily populated Muslim electorates, Muslims are shaping the Labor Party's foreign policy towards Israel.
Peta Credlin writing in the Daily Telegraph 6 July 2024 highlights the seriousness of this matter
“The result of this deliberate social engineering from the left and complacency from the right has been a proliferation of Islamist hate-preachers, an eruption of post-October 7 anti-Semitism, and — now — the real prospect of a domestic Islamist political movement exploiting the concentration of Muslim voters in Labor seats to create an anti-Western foreign policy”.
The seriousness of this phenomenon of Islam and its influence in Australia now and potentially much greater in the near future is confirmed by the following statements by the two registered Islamic political groups:
The Muslim Vote which has links to Sheikh Wesam Charkawi - an expert in Islamic sacred law, known as Sharia.
The next Federal election signals a shift – Muslim issues at the forefront. We will no longer accept being taken for granted. We are a powerful, united force of nearly 1 million acting in unison. We are focused on seats where the Muslim vote can influence the outcome. We are here for the long term. In 2024, we will lay the foundations for our community’s political future”.
Muslim Votes Matter
The Muslim community is the largest, and among the fastest growing, minority groups in Australia.
Our collective voting bloc is the most valuable, yet underutilised, asset we have.
Muslim Votes Matter unlocks this highly influential tool which requires significant organisation, forward planning, and community mobilisation.
There are over 20 seats where the Muslim community collectively has the potential deciding vote.
Concluding Remarks
Australians have been let down and abandoned by politicians serving the globalist Marxist elite agenda. The welfare of Australians now and in the future has been disregarded with damaging, irresponsible multiculturalism and immigration policies for the past 50 years. Australians must find their voice and object to treasonous government policy supporting the growth of a religious political ideology that is not compatible with our Western democratic nation.
If politicians won't listen, Australians must not be tribal (voting always for the same party) and vote for political candidates that are listening and will act. The cry for Sharia by an ever growing Muslim population, advocating for Political Islam will sound louder, if Australians do nothing to stop it. A cry a compromised ALP or traitorous Green’s Party could kotow to in a quest for votes?
Australians of ALL back grounds and cultures must speak up and stop the growth of Political Islam in Australia, by demanding a political change of direction to multiculturalism and immigration policies that preference migrants most likely to assimilate into the broader Australian Western Culture.

The Story of Mohammed Islam Unveiled by Harry Richardson (Click to download a a free PDF)
If you agree with the contents of this Friday's Rave, please join me in standing up against evil by ‘Liking’ and ‘Sharing’ the Rave on social media and email.
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Next Edition to be released for Friday 2 August 2024
FRIDAY RAVE 71 - Part 2/2 Should Australians be concerned as Muslims unite to become a political force?
This Rave will examine Political Islam using the ‘THE ISLAMIC DOOMSDAY CLOCK’.
The Rave will expose how Islam moves to eventually take over a Western democracy and implement Sharia. Where Australia is positioned now on the clock will be presented with evidence to highlight/sound the alarm bells, to signal the urgency for Australian's to wake up as The Islamic Doomsday Clock moves ever closer to the implementation of Sharia.
The Rave will present suggestions to address and combat Islam becoming a political force in Australia, including questions to ask to ALL political candidates to expose the truth about Political Islam in public meetings.