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Andrew Stewart
Mar 14, 20247 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 63 - Part 1/3 Are You experiencing ‘Sunk Cost’… and can people do so without knowing it?
Are you experiencing ‘sunk cost’?
Are you too invested to accept that the evil globalist Marxist technocratic agenda has deceived you?
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Andrew Stewart
Mar 7, 20245 min read
Friday Post - The Real Stolen Generation - Give us back our kids
This article highlights how the Marxists have marched through the education system, hijacked it, and stolen the minds of many innocent child
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Andrew Stewart
Feb 29, 20247 min read
Friday Rave-62 She lost her life at age 21. You don't have to risk your life to stand up - Yet
What will you tell your children of what you did to stand against evil, when it threatened Australia and the welfare of future generations?
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Andrew Stewart
Mar 17, 20233 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 28 - Deceived by the Climate Change Agenda
How long will people continue to be deceived into believing in a climate crisis that doesn’t exist?
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Andrew Stewart
Jan 13, 20233 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 19 - Are you awake to EVIL?????
The majority of citizens of today, are sleep walking like zombies down the globalist path outlined by Klaus Schwab in his book
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Andrew Stewart
Nov 11, 20224 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 10 - “The green agenda we’re being sold is absolutely not green”
Will the Green Agenda, Agenda 2030 and Net Zero result in poverty and the starvation of millions, all in the name of the religion of mother
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Andrew Stewart
Oct 28, 20223 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 8 - People are waking up to the lies
Thankfully people are waking up and speaking up against the lies. When during Covid, governments closed churches, however, brothels could...
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Andrew Stewart
Sep 30, 20223 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 4 - The Important Role of the Dissenting Voice
Freedom of speech and with it the right to express one’s views, is a privilege we must cherish and protect.
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