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  • Andrew Stewart

Friday Rave 57 - “Played strong, done good” - Celebrate Victory with further Action.

Jeck Gibson Played strong, done good

“Played strong done good” - If only I could just write the words of the great rugby league coach Jack Gibson as the report comment for all my 100+ PE reports.

Just a short Rave this week, and there will be no Friday Rave next week due to hours of enjoyment writing reports.

“Played strong, done good” could also be the motto to describe a recent victory for those who make the time to speak up.

Despite limited responses, good democratic citizens continue to speak up against the attack on our nation: An attack by Marxists, both global and cultural. They do this by writing letters and submissions to politicians.

1984 Big Albanese is watching you

Just in case you are unaware, 23,000+ of us made the time to exercise our democratic right to speak up by sending a response or submission opposing the Albanese Labor ‘1984’ censorship Bill known as ‘Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2023’.

That bill is designed to make the government the sole arbiter of truth.

The sheer volume of submissions forced the government to put its censorship bill on hold until next year. The volume of submissions is actually acknowledged in the left-wing Guardian Newspaper.

If you are not aware of what I am talking about, I am not surprised as the globalist Marxist media, which six major corporations

mostly control, has provided limiting reporting on this issue.

To learn more about this Totalitarian Bill of censorship, please watch the following video

Or read


1. If you didn’t read last week's Friday Rave 56 - PROTECT YOUR FAMILY - Break the Spiral of Silence’, I encourage you to make the time to read it (5 minutes) and email / message it to 10 people.

Of all the Raves I have written to date, I consider this the most significant.

“We must break the spiral of silence, speak the truth in love and not be afraid to offend”. (Stewart 2023)

Pencil standing out    Spiral of silence

2. I encourage you to celebrate the current victory in protecting free speech in Australia. Break your silence and spend (5-10 minutes max) writing to your Federal Member of Parliament, opposing the Albanese Labor ‘1984’ censorship Bill, known as ‘Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2023.

What is needed now to protect free speech in Australia, is for mountains of emails/letters to be sent to Federal Labor politicians, so they are inundated with Australians demanding the government drop its censorship of free speech. A government already on the nose because of its failed UN/Marxist divisive ‘Voice to Parliament’ must be forced to abandon this bad bill completely.

To assist those who are time-poor, please click on the link ‘Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023, to access a submission, you can adapt to send a quick response.

(Remember, it's not the quality of your letter it is the volume of letters received that is crucial, as evidenced by the actions of the Albanese government on this issue.)

Take action before one day in the future, they come for compliant you because you unintentionally wrote something that didn’t align with the government narrative.

George Orwell: "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

If you agree with the contents of the Friday Rave, don't inadvertently become complicit in evil by being silent. Stand with me - as boldly as you are able - in speaking up. For example, you can start by liking and sharing The Rave through social media and email. You can discuss its contents with people… by asking questions and answering their questions from the volumes of knowledge provided in the Friday Rave Blog and the links to other quality sources contained in each Friday Rave.




Good information to keep us informed and actively able to jointly fight tohether to save our country and freedom, thank you


Thank you and good to be standing up with you. Regards Stewy

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