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Andrew Stewart
May 30, 20243 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 68 - The Tide Can Turn if you have the courage to stand up and be counted
There are good people speaking up and fighting back against the sinister, woke Marxist agenda.
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Andrew Stewart
May 9, 20245 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 66 - Are you a tool of Satan like the church was in Nazi Germany?
Evil could be defeated if more Christians had the courage to speak up and stopped drinking the Kool-Aid of Cultural and global Marxism.
102 views4 comments

Andrew Stewart
Apr 11, 20246 min read
FRIDAY RAVE 65 - Are you a “useful idiot” on the issue of man-made climate change catastrophe?
Are you awake to the manmade climate change catastrophe scam, or have you been naively, at your own peril,supporting an evil Marxist agenda?
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Andrew Stewart
Feb 29, 20247 min read
Friday Rave-62 She lost her life at age 21. You don't have to risk your life to stand up - Yet
What will you tell your children of what you did to stand against evil, when it threatened Australia and the welfare of future generations?
227 views1 comment

Andrew Stewart
Jan 12, 20243 min read
Friday Rave 60 - Evil speaks, hear it straight from their own mouth
Evil speaks, hear it straight from their own mouth from the UN/WHO/WEF globalist Marxist alliance
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Andrew Stewart
Dec 1, 20236 min read
Friday Rave 59 - Why I speak up
I have four beautiful children I want to protect from the impending danger, looming for some years and now threatening our country.
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Andrew Stewart
Nov 16, 20233 min read
Friday Rave 57 - “Played strong, done good” - Celebrate Victory with further Action.
“Played strong, done good” could also be the motto to describe a recent victory for those who make the time to speak up.
166 views2 comments

Andrew Stewart
Nov 9, 20235 min read
Friday Rave 56 - PROTECT YOUR FAMILY - Break the Spiral of Silence
We must break the spiral of silence, speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15), and not be afraid to offend.
283 views2 comments

Andrew Stewart
Dec 30, 20224 min read
Friday Rave 17 - We MUST Break the Spiral of Silence
Silence encourages others to remain silent. Even worse, as silence spirals down, the cost to those who speak up increases.
33 views0 comments
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