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Friday Post - Be That Man

Andrew Stewart
German man arms crossed, not bowing to Hitler
Be That Man

The picture was taken in 1936, and the defiant man is August Landmesser, grimacing with arms crossed, standing firm and publicly showing his disapproval of the Nazi Party. He was later imprisoned and eventually drafted into military service, where he was killed in action.

With only seven per cent of Germans being Nazis, I wonder if World War II could have been averted and many millions of lives saved. Had others in 1936 dared to defy evil and ‘Break the spiral of silence’?

Of all the Friday Raves I have written, Friday Rave 56 is the most important. Whether you agree or disagree with my political and social views, I encourage you to set aside five minutes and be open to being informed and challenged.

Friday Rave 56 - PROTECT YOUR FAMILY - Break the Spiral of Silence

One yellow pencil standing up

“‘The Spiral of Silence’ is a theory explaining how people fear social isolation to the point that they generally go along with what they think is the popular opinion — even if they object to that opinion themselves.

Instead of speaking up, they remain silent. Their silence then encourages others to remain silent.

Even worse, as silence spirals up, the cost to those who speak up also increases”.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:

God will not hold us guiltless.

Not to speak is to speak.

Not to act is to act.”

Attributed to Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Stand up for what you believe in even if you are standing alone” - Sophie Scholl

Both Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Sophie Scholl lost their lives standing up against the evils of Hitler and the Nazi’s, while too many contributed to the death of millions with their silence.

Cultural and global Marxism is evil, it threatens our nation, and with it the welfare of generations now and in the future.

Are you silent or do you stand against evil?


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