Will you condemn and reject the Sharia that says you can beat your wife? (Quran 4:34) Muslim political candidates must be questioned to see what they stand for as the clock quietly ticks even closer to midnight on the Sharia Doomsday Clock, without most Australians being aware.
Political Islam is on the rise in Australia. We should encourage everyone to research that - to at least look into what is being discussed, legislated and otherwise allowed or facilitated by our government. Both sides of the Australian parliament have a lot to answer for as a result of irresponsible multiculturalism and immigration policies giving rise to the growth of political Islam in our nation.
In Part 1, on 19 July 2024, FRIDAY RAVE 70, the reader was introduced to political Islam and Sharia. Should Australians be concerned that Muslims are suddenly uniting and ramping things up to become a much greater political force?
This is a crucial follow-up to Part 2. The Friday Rave alerts readers to how Islam gradually takes over a nation to implement Sharia. It sounds alarm bells about how far this takeover has progressed in Australia. Suggestions to address and combat Islam becoming a political force in Australia are given, including questions to ask ALL political candidates to educate the public and expose the truth about Political Islam in public meetings.
Political Islam is not compatible with a Western democracy as disturbingly, the Islamic Doomsday Clock now approaches 7 o’clock, moving ever closer towards 12 o’clock (Sharia) in Australia.
Sharia is the name of the divine immutable law of the evil god of Islam, Allah. Many Muslims want Sharia established across the world and want it implemented in the Western countries that have kindly accepted them to live in. The law of Islam insists that followers work toward this.
Only uneducated individuals, the deceived or those deliberately destructive of our Western political system (i.e. Marxists), would support and permit Sharia in Australia. “Islam is peace” is ‘doublespeak’, a term adapted from George Orwell’s ‘1984’, as the Quran contains over one hundred violent verses that overtly describe, advocate and encourage violence towards ‘nonbelievers’.
Winston Churchill understood Islam when he wrote, "How dreadful are the curses which Muhammadism lays on its votaries! … Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in this world."
Freedom comes at a cost. Over 102,000 Australian soldiers have lost their lives fighting to preserve freedom. Australians must not be complacent and must stand to protect freedom from the cancer within - Marxist Identity politics. Ignorant or deliberate Marxist politicians have supported the growth of a large Islamic population in Australia, and now this group of people wants to flex its political muscle.
The Rise of Islam over the past decade in Australia should be alarming to all Australians, whether they were born here or have come from overseas to live in our beautiful country. Not least, this will be of deep concern to people who have had to flee Islamic countries. If the following quotes concern you, make the time to read this article to the end and take action. Don’t leave it to somebody else, as you are that somebody else.
Muslim Votes Matter
“The Muslim community is the largest, and among the fastest growing, minority groups in Australia. Our collective voting bloc is the most valuable, yet underutilised, asset we have.”
The Muslim Vote “We are a powerful, united force of nearly 1 million acting in unison. We are focused on seats where the Muslim vote can influence the outcome. We are here for the long term. In 2024, we will lay the foundations for our community’s political future.”
THE ISLAMIC DOOMSDAY CLOCK The ‘Islamic Doomsday Clock’ is a step-by-step representation of how political Islam slowly moves forward to take over a country to implement Sharia (Allah’s Law).
Back in 2014, when I first began speaking up publicly concerning political matters, I was seen as a “conspiracy theorist” and an “Islamophobe” (a made-up word by the Muslim Brotherhood to censor the truth about Islam). Back then, I was expressing my concerns about the growth and future influence of Islam in Australia.
Now, ten years later, there is more than ever about which we should be concerned. In 2014, Islam in Australia was approaching 3 o’clock on the ‘Islamic Doomsday Clock. Now the clock hands have flown to approaching 7 o’clock, with developments already in place for the time to fly ever closer to 12 o’clock Sharia disaster for our nation.
Islamic time flies when supported by Marxist Identity politics. The steady rise of Muslims in Australia through both immigration and high birth rates (ie Muslims have a higher percentage of birth rates in comparison to all other groups in the country), will ensure that the Islamic clock slowly ticks ever closer to 12 o’clock, Sharia, over proceeding decades. It will continue in that direction unless Australians take action, demanding responsible governmental action on both immigration and multiculturalism.
Voting out the Labor government of Anthony Albanese will be a good starting point? Why? An election is imminent, and Albanese has recently acted irresponsibly by putting votes ahead of the safety of the Australian people. I shake my head in disbelief and disgust that we are letting Muslim immigrants from Gaza into our country without thorough vetting; Federal authorities must determine whether they have terrorist links with Hamas.
Currently, the Muslim population in Australia is at 3.2%. 5% of the population being Muslim is recognised as a significant threshold level for countries. International experience indicates that when such a percentage is reached, demands for Sharia increase abruptly. Let’s not let Australia reach that critical mass.
Here, I present a brief explanation of how the ‘Islamic Doomsday Clock’ has ticked over, edging towards 12 o’clock Sharia destruction of our free democratic country as we know it.
1 o’clock to 3 o’clock
As mentioned previously in 2014, when warning Australians about the rise of Islam, I would have placed the ‘Islamic Doomsday Clock’ having moved from 1 o’clock - Target an open democratic society past 2 o’clock - Begin mass migration from Islamic countries to hitting 3 o'clock - Random terror attacks begin to happen.
In Australia, there were limited Islamic terror attacks before 2014. However, these surged between 2014 and 2020, with further attacks occurring up to the present day. Such attacks included - The Endeavour Hills stabbings (2014), The Lindt Café on 15–16 December 2014, The Curtis Chang killing in Parramatta 2015, and numerous others. Then there was the recent 2024 Wakely stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel.
4 o’clock to 6 o’clock
4 o’clock to 6 o’clock of the Islamic Doomsday Clock have well and truly ticked over by 2024
4 o’clock - Create Muslim enclaves in the largest towns
Approximately 3.4% of Sydney's population are Muslim, and Lebanese Muslims form the core of Australia's Muslim Arab population, particularly in Sydney, where most Arabs in Australia live. Such enclaves are now found in several Sydney Suburbs.
Approximately 4.2% of residents in Greater Melbourne are Muslim, and Sydney Road in Brunswick and Coburg is sometimes called 'Little Lebanon'.

5 o’clock - Demand special privileges
As Islam grows closer to that critical 5% population level, demands will increase, including increased pressure for the introduction of Islamic blasphemy laws, making it unlawful to criticise Islam, and punishing anyone for publishing cartoons of Mohamed.
The Australian National Imams Council has developed the Centre for Arbitration and the Resolution
6 o’clock - Infiltrate Councils and target seats in government
In increasing numbers of locations across Australia, Muslims have been elected to local councils. Muslims are also in various state and federal parliaments. How many Labor and Liberal party branches across Australia (such as in Liverpool NSW) are controlled by Muslim members? This is a matter of concern that must be investigated.
2024 has seen the rise of Muslim political organisations such as ‘The Muslim Vote’ and ‘Muslim Votes Matter’ with the intent of using the size of Islam as a large minority Group to influence politics. The intention is to target political seats with a high Muslim population (ie Blaxland - 32 per cent Muslim voters), Watson (25 per cent Muslim voters) and others.
7 o’clock is approaching and a fast forward to 8 o’clock is a probability
In the space of just ten years since 2014 the Islamic Doomsday clock has flown from 3 o’clock to approaching a concerning development 7 o’clock - Create a Party of Islam in the democracy. The current political climate in Australia evidences this. The extent and size of the current Islamic pro-Palestinian protests, since 7 October 2023, chanting anti-Jewish sentiments is evidence that, in all probability, it won't take much for the clock to hit 8’ o’clock - Assert dominance with tactics like open street praying.
The naive or those ignorant of the truth about Islam would be dismissive of this concern about Islamic political candidates stealthily infiltrating our parliaments and council chambers. In making their comparisons, they are coming to the flawed conclusion that Muslim candidates are no different to Christian candidates. It must be noted that Australia was founded on Judeo-Christian Principles, not Mohammed's violent religious and political ideology.
9 o’clock to 12 o’clock - What to expect once Political Islam grows in Australia with an Islamic Party and an increasing number of elected of Muslim politicians

9 o’clock - Use Islamophobia laws to suppress free speech
‘The notion of Islamophobia is meant to give the religion of Mohammed a status of exemption denied to other spiritual systems. The application of Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 will be the platform for the suppression of free speech opposing Islam and the behaviour of Muslims.
The critique of religion is a fundamental Western right. We must object when it is characterised as an illness or phobia. The freedom to expose the truth of Islam and criticise the actions of Muslims is essential, not least when they act beyond the five pillars of Religious Islam. Engaging in political Islam to act on the sixth pillar, Jihad, to enforce Sharia, as per the trilogy of the false prophet Mohammed, must be exposed. Its impact and ramifications must be brought to the attention of Australian voters, and politicians must be jarred into acknowledging these dangers.
10 o’clock - Islamic Terror attacks increase
Australia is behind Europe in ‘The Islamic Doomsday Clock’. For the past decade, Europe has been exposed to multiple Islamic terror attacks, including a resurgence since 2023.
"We saw it again yesterday in Brussels. All European states are vulnerable, and there is indeed a resurgence of Islamist terrorism," French President Emmanuel Macron 17 October 2023
Learn more about the Muslim Brotherhood and where Australia will be heading if politicians don’t start putting Australia first and stop Islamic immigration. It is completely foolish to think Australia will experience a different result if it continues to follow the same political path as Europe regarding Islamic immigration. It would appear France is finally waking up. Will Australian politicians wait until it is too late?
11 o’clock is Provoke a civil war in the host nation
That has taken place in Kosovo, Bosnia, Yemen, Sudan and other African countries
12 o’clock is Establish Sharia law
Sharia is the name of the immutable law of the god of Islam, Allah. Many Muslims want Sharia established across the world.

Sharia is evil, and if you disagree, there is something seriously wrong with you if you think the following are acceptable:
the persecution of those not adhering to Islam is justifiable
killing homosexuals is justifiable
killing women through honour killings is justifiable
beating women is justifiable
the list of evils could go on.
I encourage you to view the links in Friday Rave 70 Part 1 to learn more about Sharia. The more you know, the more any sane person would want to resist it raising its evil head in Australia.

Write to your Federal Member of Parliament demanding the cessation of damaging irresponsible multiculturalism and immigration policies. Policies that celebrate all cultures but our own and which undermine the existing culture, as they preclude preferencing migrants most likely assimilating into the broader Australian community.
Publicly expose the truth about Islam by attending political gatherings and asking questions to Muslim candidates.
Australians must vote in ALL elections, Local, State, and Federal, for political candidates who will serve the best interests of Australia. This Starts in September 2024 in NSW with the Local Council Elections.
Here are some questions specific to Muslim candidates using Mohammed and Sharia to help expose publically some facts about Islam. Unfortunately, you can’t expect a truthful response because they are politicians. Always be aware that the Quran permits Muslims to lie when a minority. It's called ‘Taqiyya’. Bill Warner, PhD: Sacred Deception -- Taqiyya
Question 1. As a Muslim, you have Sharia law, which contains both political and religious ideas. Do you find the political ideas in the Sharia useful for your political thinking?
Question 2. “Islam bans interest lending, so what will happen to our banks, our financial sector and energy developments, which rely on billions in loans?”
(Vicki Campion Daily Telegraph 5 July 2024)
Question 3. Will you condemn and reject the Sharia that says you can beat your wife?
(Quran 4:34)
Question 4. What is the highest law in our land is it your Sharia or our Australian Constitution?
Question 5. Do you oppose the Quran and Sharia regarding honour killings and the murder of homosexuals, not only just in Australia but across the world?
Question 6. What is your position on the Islamic practice of female genital mutilation?
Question 7. Do you oppose Islamic persecution of minority groups in Islamic countries?
Question 8. What is your position on the Muslim Brotherhood?
Question 9. Will you condemn and reject Mohammed’s advising deception when dealing with non-Muslims? Yes or no?
Question 10. As Mohammed is mentioned 91 times in the Quran as the perfect Muslim what is your position on child brides considering Mohammed married his child bride when aged six, having sex with her when aged 9?
Question 11. As an elected official, what is your first obligation, to Australia or the Ummah?
(the global community of Muslim believers).
Note - Does Section 44 of the Australian Constitution disqualify Muslims from serving in the Federal parliament? As it challenges their allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power - the Ummah
Since 2014, Australia has moved from 3 o'clock to approaching 7-8 o’clock in just 10 years. If you do nothing, how long will it take for the clock to strike 9, and freedom of speech will be further attacked, followed by the dreaded numbers 10, 11, and 12 o’clock Sharia disaster?
You might be safe, as you won't live long enough to witness the mayhem, but what about the welfare of future children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren?
Don’t they, too, just like you, deserve the future right to grow up in a free, beautiful country, not being persecuted and fearing for their lives?

Key Islamic Doctrines Summarized by Freedom and Heritage Society 24/09/2022
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