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FRIDAY RAVE 69 - The truth, whilst confronting, must be found and exposed

Andrew Stewart

??? Vaccine in syringe

Should we now discuss possible COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness?

Could the Covid vaccines be causing immunosuppression?

Read further the article from the Australian Journal of General Practice 7 July 2024

It is disgraceful that the Albanese Labor Government did not order a royal commission to examine Australia's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on the community, including of lockdown and quarantine measures.

It raises the question as to who does Albanese serve, Australians or his globalist mates.

Klaus Swabb holding Albanese as a dummy

Australians deserve to know the truth about all things COVID so the same mistakes are not made again,

Totalitarian Gladys

State governments, empowered by the fear of the people, must never again be permitted to act like totalitarian regimes. It must never be forgotten that people died and are still dying because of the mandated experimental vaccines that didn’t stop you catching or spreading Covid. The full extent of the damage and deaths must be exposed.

Tedros the Marxist

All Australians should be demanding to their Federal Members of Parliament that Australia’s health sovereignty is not handed to the World Health Organisation through the ‘Pandemic Treaty’.

I have written extensively warning Australians about this power grab by the globalist UN/WHO/WEF alliance, which is supported by our puppet Prime Minister.

If you agree with the contents of this Friday's Rave, please join me in standing up against evil by ‘Liking’ and ‘Sharing’ the Rave on social media and email. 


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05. Juli 2024
Mit 5 von 5 Sternen bewertet.

Excellent research - well done!

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